Author Archives: Vitalii

We help the families of Ukrainian drivers

Together with DONE DELIVERIES, the AKEDA Foundation conducts activities aimed at helping the families of Ukrainian drivers employed by Polish logistics companies. We invite you to read the interview with Ms Kateryna, whose family was supported under the Carriers4Ukraine program “The younger son asks: mom, will the Russians apologize to us? I answer: we will

Support from the National Institute of Freedom under the PROO 5 program

As part of the PROO 5 Edition 2021 grant program, the AKEDA Foundation received financial support in the amount of PLN 10,000. The grant amount was used to purchase two computers for the foundation which enabled it to improve its operations. The main project carried out by the AKEDA foundation is the construction of the

Grzegorz Plechawski

Member of the Foundation’s Council Architect (graduate of the Krakow University of Technology) with unlimited design rights (member of the Chamber of Architects) and interior architect (postgraduate studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow), 3D graphic designer. Since 2010, he has been running the “2P” design studio ( For many years, he has

Piotr Gruszka

Member of the Foundation’s Council  Krakus from birth, a graduate of political science at the Jagiellonian University. For over a dozen years he has been dealing with journalism at, mainly international affairs and refugee issues. He is passionate about history, especially the Middle Ages, and Krakow, close to his heart, as well as mountain

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